I decided to follow on with my experimentation with coloured pencil again to do another piece of artwork, this time the person of my interest would be the phenomenal Lionel Messi.
Messi being one of the greatest footballers in my lifetime, meant I was taking on an interesting task at hand.
Loosely plotting out the layout for the image with and starting to add detail to the shirt mainly as, I felt that would be the area that popped the most, and would draw the eye into the piece.
I decided to add in the black of the shirt first.
Then I added in the blue, and shading effects of the shirt.
From there I decided to tackle the hair and arms, for the hair used a brown colour to add a first layer, as I knew I was going to add a background that had a lot of black areas in, I needed a colour to separate the and lighten the hair a little first. The skin tones contained several colours with Ochre being the primary colour then a touch of blush pink and red with browns.
I was really liking how this piece was coming out at this point and contemplating leaving the background out totally. But in the end I decided to stick to the original idea. I have how ever decided to also draw Messi in this format on his own.
This piece is available to buy at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251563990162?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649
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